Sunday, February 19, 2012

Solar Battery Charger

Solar Battery Charger 
In the field of electronics solar technology is very popular now a days  and growing day by day. Solar gadgets are also taking attention of peoples and uses of solar energy is taking place not only in out side of cities and space where no electric power is available but also in cities
Here is a  solar battery charger schematic which can charge 12 volt SLA batteries. This solar battery charger circuit has auto cut off function so it will automatically stop charging when the battery become full charge.

 Solar Battery Charger
source :circuitdiagram


  • 0b5idiu5 says:
    April 24, 2013 at 3:56 PM

    What will happen without 0.5 Ohm J5W resistor?
    Need a quick reply from you!

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