Thursday, February 9, 2012

FreePCB open-source PCB editor

FreePCB open-source PCB editor
FreePCB is a free, open-source PCB editor for Microsoft Windows, released under the GNU General Public License. It 'was designed to be easy to learn and easy to use, yet capable of professional quality work. Do not have a built-in autorouter, but it can use the web-based autorouter FreeRoute to freerouting. Some of its features are:

      1 to 16 layers of copper
      Board sizes up to 60 inches by 60 inches
      Uses English or metric units (ie mils or mm) for most functions.
      Footprint libraries courtesy of Ivex Design International, IPC and PCB Matrix.
      Copper fill areas
      Footprint Wizard and Footprint Editor for creating or modifying footprints
      Imports and exports PADS-PCB netlists
      Exports esteso Gerber files (RS274X) and Excellon drill files
      Design rule checker

The layout for a small printed circuit board is shown in the screenshot below.
FreePCB User Guide


tags:  pcb, pcb design,  pcb software
 source: freepcb


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