Audio Power Amplifiers with TDA2040

The TDA2040 is an audio class AB amplifier in Pentawatt package, providing 22W output power (d=0.5%) at Vs = 32V/4Ω. The IC provides high output current with very low harmonic and cross-over distortion. The device incorporates a patented short circuit protection system comprising an arrangement for automatically limiting the dissipated power so as to keep the working point of the output transistors within their safe operating area.
Vs - Supply Voltage: ± 20 V
Vi - Differential Input Voltage: ± 15 V
Io- Output Peak Current (internally limited) 4 A
Ptot - Power Dissipation at Tcase = 75 °C: 25 W
Tstg, Tj - Storage and Junction Temp. -40 to 150°C
Audio amplifier schematics with TDA2040

Fig 1: TDA2040 - 20W Amplifier with Split Power Supply

Fig 1: 30W Audio Amplifier with 2 TDA2040
Vs= +/-16vRl=8Ω
Po=30W (d=0.5%)
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