Friday, September 1, 2017


The TDA7265 is class AB Dual Audio Power amplifier assembled in the @ Multiwatt package, specially designed for high quality sound application as Hi-Fi music centers and stereo TV sets. Key Features SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION STAND-BY FEATURE (LOW Iq) WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (UP TO +25V ABS MAX.) HIGH OUTPUT POWER\t25+25W @THD = 10%, RL= 8Ω, VS =±20V\t SPLIT SUPPLY ...Readmore

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

portable solar lantern circuit uses 6 volt/5 watt solar panels

This portable solar lantern circuit uses 6 volt/5 watt solar panels are now widely available. With the help of such a photo-voltaic panel we can construct an economical,...Readmore

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Solar Powered Battery Charger

We propose to build a solar battery charger that will charge a variety of batteries: NiMH, NiCd, Li-ion, lead acid. Although there are solar battery chargers on the...Readmore

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Solar charger controller circuit diagram

When connecting a solar panel to a rechargeable battery, it is usually necessary to use a charge controller circuit to prevent the battery from overcharging. Charge control...Readmore

Solar charger circuit diagram

A simple solar charger circuit can be constructed using this circuit diagram . The nominal voltage of the solar charger circuit module is determined by the number of...Readmore

Explaining solar cells

As renewable energy is becoming integrated into our everyday lives, new terms such as solar panel, photovoltaic and solar cell are more common and new devices, such...Readmore

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Download TinyCAD open source schematic

TinyCAD is an open source schematic capture program for MS Windows. Use TinyCAD to produce professional circuit diagrams and export net list information to PCB applications. Description ...Readmore