STK0060 60W
Features of STK0060:
General output stage of power amplifier has a difficult and complex problem about heat sink designing and its settings. Sanyo's DP intends to decrease electronic parts and rationalize a manufacturing process by designing IC of only output stage pf power amplifier.
- IMST Systems
- Output stage for AF high power amplifier.
- Dual power supply
- Darlington type pure/ quasi-complementary circuit
- These same pin assignment and pin interval lead to standardize a printed board.
- Metal substrate use IMST makes good thermal stability
- Able to design freely previous section of power amplifier. This leads tone control designing.
Application Notes:
Maximum Ratings at Ta=25 deg C
Maximum Supply Voltage VCCmax +- 55V
Tehrmal resistance 0j-c idealstage 1.3 deg C/W
Collector current Ic 8A
Juction Temperature Tj 150 Dec C
Storage Temperature Tstg -30 to +105 Deg C
Allowable Load Shorting Time ts VCC=+-41V, RL 1 Sec
=8 Ohm, Po=60W
*Use an Appointed Transformer.
Recommented Operation Conditions at Ta=25 Deg C
Recommented Supply Voltage VCC +-41 V
Load Resitance RL 8 Ohm
Operation Characterestic at Ta=25 Deg C, VCC= +-39V, RL=8, Rg=600 Ohm
VG-36.7db at the appointed test circuit.
Min Typ Max unit
Quiescent Current Icco VCC = +-48 20 40 70 mA
Output power Po THD=0.01%, 60 W
f=20 to 20K Hz
Total Harmonic Distortion THD1 Po=60W, f=20 to 20KHz, 0.005 0.01 %
Total Harmonic Distortion THD2 Po=1W, f=20 to 20KHz, 0.01 %
Power Band Width PBW Po=30W f= 50K Hz 0.05 %

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