It is fun to make a variable space in your small room, but it’s hard to make the actuator to move your wall or room partition. Using analog audio line delay, you can adjust your room virtually. Just turn a knob in your audio set and you can adjust your room size. The circuit described here will make your dream come true, giving a feel that your speaker is located 15 meters behind you, even though your room is actually 3 meters wide. Here is the circuit’s schematic diagram.

The circuit consist three main block. The first block (U1A, U1B) is a fourth order low pass filter (-24dB roll-off per octave) with 2.5kHz cut off frequency. The second block is the adjustable analog delay integrated circuit (IC SAD512D). The delay is controlled by the oscillator around U2 which is adjustable from 5KHz to 50Khz. The last block is similar to the first block, a low-pass filter with 2.5KHz cut off frequency.
A variable resistor R9 is provided to adjust the input offset, avoiding signal clipping and maximizing the audio range. For easy adjustment, feed the input with high level audio signal until the output is distorted, then adjust R9 until the distortion is minimum, or if an oscilloscope is available, adjust the R9 until the clipping is equal for both positive and negative cycle. Finally, adjust R28 to give minimum sampling clock noise.
Reference PartC1,C4,C10,C12 10n
C11,C2 1n5
C3 4.7uF/50V
C13,C5 1n9
C6 390p
C8,C7 1u/25V
C9 1uF/25V
C14,C15,C16 100n
J1 input connector
J2 out connector
R1,R2,R3,R5,R6,R7,R11,R20,R21,R22,R24,R25,R26 10k
R4,R23,R27 4k7
R8,R15 15k
R9 2k2 POT
R10 2k7
R12 220k POT
R13 10R
R18,R14 1k
R17,R16 330R
R19 100k
R28 250R trimpot
U1 TL084
U2 4011
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