Electronic Components and Symbols - 3
There are a large number of symbols which represent an equally large range of electronic components. It is important that you can recognise the more common components and underst ... readmore
Light Emitting Diode Part III
A LED is described as a CURRENT DRIVEN DEVICE. This means the illumination is determined by the amount of current flowing through it.
The brightness of a ... readmore
Chapter 2 Principles of radio transmission Chapter 2 Principles of radio transmission 2.1. AM Transmitter
2.2. FM Transmitter
2.3. Wavebands
Transfer of information (speech, music, image, computer data etc.) by ... readmore
LEDsLight Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
Example: Circuit symbol:
FunctionLEDs emit light when an electric current passes through them.
Connecting and soldering LEDs must be connected the correct way ... readmore
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