This cardfile contains Electronic Symbols with short descriptions. Electronics Components Symbols are listed alphabetically, users can add their own comments and new cards.
Download and install AzzCardfile program first: azzcrd33c_setup.exe (1.69 MB)
Save (not Open) this file: Electronic (75 KB)
2. Decompress (unzip) FILE.ZIP - will result in FILE.AZZ . Open this FILE.AZZ in AZZ Cardfile program.
Source: azzcardfile.
Download electronic components symbols database
The software needed to open this file, Azz Cardfile, is shareware. You are welcome to try it out - downloadable version is fully functional.1.
2. Decompress (unzip) FILE.ZIP - will result in FILE.AZZ . Open this FILE.AZZ in AZZ Cardfile program.
Source: azzcardfile.
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