Monday, August 31, 2009

60 LED Clock using 4017 chip

60 LED Clock using 4017 chip
As you can see see we have changed the circuit a little. For example, the 4093 NAND gate is now set to exactly 1 second clock pulses. The clock rate is determined by the resistor and capacitor combination on the 4093. If the resistor is 220k ohms and the capacitor is 4.7uf then the output will be 1 second clock pulses. To increase the clock rate you should decrease the value of the resistor or capacitor. To decrease the clock rate you should increase the value of the resistor or capacitor. Please remember to ground all unused legs of the 4093 or noise in the circuit will occur and cause the clock to malfunction. Therefore, ground pins 5,6,8,9,12, and 13. To operate the circuit simply move the switch from STOP to RUN.


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