TDA2030 is a circuit integrated monolithic in Pentawat® package, to be used as class audio amplifier AB. Typically he supplies up to 14 Watts of potency
(d=0.5%) @ 14V/4Ω. The guaranteed potency is 12W in a load of 4Ω and 8 watts in a load of 8Ω. Integrated him/it bill with circuits of component protection.
Description of the circuit
Audio amplifier with having integrated tda2030, using source of simple feeding, for potency of 14 watts with a source of 15 volts. That source should be with transformer, rectificators and good filter capacitors, there is not need of regulated source. for protection of the circuit to use a fuse of 3 ámperes in the line of +b of the amplifier. Use a heat-sink of heat in the circuit integrated tda2030. See the datasheet of the tda 2030 to know which heat-sink to use. That integrated it is cheaply and easy to find at the market. For a version in bridge for until 28 watts@14v and version using symmetrical source sees the datasheet of the tda2030. That circuit can be fed by car batteries by good time without needing to recharge her. The tda2030 is usually found as amplifier of stage of potency of systems of home theater, it is in those that promise 1000 Watts of potency. For now a tda2030 supplies 14 watts, then 5 tda2030 supplies less than 100 watts rms. But that is a good idea, to use the tda2030 as amplifier of potency of systems surround, for the subwoofer the ideal is an assembly in bridge for more potency.
Schematic of the circuit audio amplifier with tda2030
Suggestion of printed circuit board for assembly of the amplifier with tda 2030. Real size.
Plate side of the components to guide the assembly of the amplifier
It lists of components for assembly of the amplifier
R2: 4.7KΩ
R3: 100KΩ
R4: 1Ω 1W
RA/RB: 100KΩ
C1: 1µF 25V Electrolytic
C2:2.2µF 25V Electrolytic
C3:100nF polyester or ceramic
C5: none
C6: 220nF polyester or ceramic
C7: 2200µF / 35V
IC1: TDA2030
D1/D2: 1n4002
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